The Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FNCCI) is the nationally and internationally recognized umbrella organization of business in Nepal. Organized as a representative body of business organizations in the country, it represents the interests of the private sector and is involved in promotion of socio economic development of Nepal through private sector led economic growth.
Membership Structure
Registered as a national representative chamber in pursuant of section 3 of the National Directives Act 1961 (Rastriya Nirdeshan Ain 2018) the FNCCI Membership is as follows.
The FNCCI Membership, at present, is comprised of:
- 114 District / Municipality Level Chambers in 77 Districts of Nepal (including 1 Observer chamber)
- 103 Commodity / Sectoral Associations
- 935 Leading public and private sector undertakings
- 20 Bi-national Chambers (including 8 observer chambers)
The FNCCI is represented in almost all national councils / boards / committees / policy advisory bodies concerned with business and industry.

The FNCCI objectives are determined by its statute. The objectives are to
- Promote the economic and social development of Nepal while protecting and defending the rights and interests of the business persons of the entire country.
- Make effective and significant contribution to the development of open market economy while recognizing the changes taking place in the global arena.
- Act as a supreme representative body of the trade and industry of the country while supporting the national goals of self reliant and independent national economy.
- Foster cooperation with related national and foreign organizations.

"Facilitating Nepalese Businesses Become Globally Competitive"

"Leading the Nation's Economic Progress"
The functions of The FNCCI are determined by its objectives. The work it has been involved in, during the recent past, includes:
- Play a catalytic role in the business, industrial development in the country while establishing sound industrial relations in the country.
- Reinforce business community's commitment to the society.
- Provide advisory services to government, lobby as and when required in formulation and execution of business and industry related policies, acts and programs friendly to the private sector.
- Foster cooperation with related Nepali and foreign Organizations.
- Provide up to date information to the business, government and the country at large.
- Create awareness and muster business and industry initiatives on issues like quality, social responsibility, Corporate governance, campaigns against HIV/AIDS, child labour, environment etc.
Functional Principles
FNCCI- activities are guided by the following principles:
- Professionalism in operation.
- Partnership with government and development partner.
- Commitment to fairness, competition, transparency, de-regulation, de-centralization and de-licensing.
- Confidence in market led private initiative.
- Extensive consultation with stakeholders while deciding on common industry and business views as and proposals.